Wednesday, July 14, 2021

April 27-28, 2021 Mill Creek Anchorages I and II

 Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Day 142.

It was a relaxing morning. We had poached eggs a la Roland (delicious). We were still in the southern Chesapeake Bay (Virginia). It was a pretty day: sunny, and the water was a beautiful blue, but it was really windy. 

We were on auto pilot most of the day with Gail and/or Mike standing by on watch. Captain Roland got to relax and read. At the end of the cruising day, the Captain steered into the Mill Creek anchorage; it was a little tricky.

We had arrived at Mill Creek at approximately 3:30pm. There was no wind, it was warm and beautiful. Roland and Mike took down the dinghy, and Gail and Mike sent Captain Roland and me off on a dinghy ride. It was fun but the engine, although it kicked over on the first pull (very nice!), started sputtering at high speed. This was a brand new motor! We lowered the speed but didn’t go too far from the boat, as Roland did not want to row back. Never a dull moment... on Magic Moments! There is always something to deal with, something that needs to be fixed or replaced.

The creek was fairly empty, there were a few homes that were visible from the water. Later two boats joined the anchorage. It was peaceful and scenic. After grilled turkey burgers for dinner, I had a zoom, did yoga and worked on the blog. We did have some time for the four of us to go out and look at the moon and the stars. It was a very large, full moon, with light clouds dancing on its face; it was really spectacular.......unfortunately, photos could not do it justice.

Since leaving Norfolk, we have been in the Chesapeake, rarely seeing land while cruising; just water until we anchor. The Chesapeake is one big bay!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Day 143.

The sun was already up when I awakened. The anchor chain had been clanging all night like small fireworks or banging chains noises. Captain Roland believes, after 4 1/2 months, he had a fix- for this problem (yay!). He planned to put a towel in a strategic place.......better late than never.

It was cool and comfortable on this third day of primarily only water views while cruising. At approximately 11am we cruised from Virginia into Maryland (no signs in the Bay: “Welcome to Maryland”). … So close to home… Yet so far… Only days now. I worked out and stretched before coffee and breakfast (yogurt), and my first shower ever underway. So much free time from boat duty (crew and Captain Roland do it all) so, my job is the blog, WIL, MAG, emails and bills. 

We were in open water, there were very few boats (we were here before the “season”). It was sunny and there was no wind. However, although the weather was perfect for the flybridge, after the morning we had to go into the pilot house, the biting flies were intolerable. Really?.......hopefully the only one of the ten plagues we will experience!

At approximately 3:30pm, we passed under the Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge, in the Patuxent River, and passed Point Patience, and the Solomons. It was still sunny and comfortable, but the little bugs were all over outside. Thankfully, they were bigger than our screen mesh, so we could keep the doors open and enjoy the fresh air. Gail was steering most of the day; since we passed Mobjack Bay, she and Mike were on known territory.

Note: A new term I learned that day was “free board“ which is the part of the boat above the waterline. Easy to use in a sentence..... “Waxing and buffing the free board is a really big job on Magic Moments!”

At 4pm, we anchored in Mill Creek (Maryland versus Mill Creek, Virginia, last night), joining another trawler and a sailboat, but there was plenty of room. It was a little crazy at first because there were fast boats and jet skis zipping all around, and then some thrill seekers out for the evening, screaming as they went, as if they were on a roller coaster, whipping figure eights on the water. At dusk, peace settled in the cove, and it was beautiful, warm and calm.

To celebrate our last dinner with our crew on board, we had an amazing rack of lamb dinner, grilled with eggplant and asparagus, followed by salad, with a very nice red wine. Yum!

We planned to arrive tomorrow at Hartge, where we started this journey on December 6, 2020, Day One.

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